Tours closest to Les Saisies ski resort

We found 10 tours within a radius of 14 km. They are shown in the list below. It is also possible to search all tours using our map search .

Montagne d'Outray - Sommet NE: Via La Commanderie
Default tour photo Climb: From the hamlet of the Granges (1160m), go up the...
06:00 hours S3 - Medium (<35°)

7 km away.

Roche Plane: East face via Maisonnettes, descent via the south-east face.
Default tour photo Climb: From the hamlet of Frasse, climb the snow slopes...
06:00 hours S2 - Easy

7 km away.

Rochers des Enclaves: From Contamines
Default tour photo Approach From Contamines get to the top of the Bûche...
06:00 hours S3 - Medium (<35°)

9 km away.

Légette du Mirantin: East face via Ladray and Plan Villard
Default tour photo Climb: From the station parking lot, follow the road...
06:00 hours S3 - Medium (<35°)

9 km away.

Col de la Cicle: Normal route from Notre Dame de la Gorge
Default tour photo From the parking lot, traverse the Bon Nant then skirt...
06:00 hours S3 - Medium (<35°)

12 km away.

Col de la Cicle: From Notre Dame de la Gorge, with the Col de la Fenêtre
Default tour photo These two cols situated close together give many...
06:00 hours S3 - Medium (<35°)

12 km away.

Col du Bonhomme: from Notre Dame de la Gorge
Default tour photo Ascent From the parking just beyond the Telecabine de la...
06:00 hours S3 - Medium (<35°)

13 km away.

Col du Bonhomme: Traverse from the Contamines lifts and via La Gitte
Default tour photo Take the Contamines Montjoie ski lifts. From the summit...
06:00 hours S3 - Medium (<35°)

13 km away.

Pointe du Dard: Classic route
Default tour photo Climb: From Quefins, after having traversed the Perches...
06:00 hours S2 - Easy

14 km away.

Grand Mont d'Arêches: Western Ridge and descent via Combe des Cristaux
Default tour photo Climb: From Quefins, after having traversed the Perches...
06:00 hours S4 - Difficult (<45°)

14 km away.

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