Tours closest to Sonnberglifte Wald am Schoberpass ski resort

We found 10 tours within a radius of 46 km. They are shown in the list below. It is also possible to search all tours using our map search .

Grosser Schober: N side, from Schoberpass
Default tour photo Ascent From the train station, head W along the...
06:00 hours S2 - Easy

2 km away.

Hinkareck: S, from Schoberpass
Default tour photo Ascent From Wald am Schoberpass, head up the road going...
06:00 hours UNKNOWN

6 km away.

Leobner: SE via Puchengraben
Default tour photo Ascent From Wald am Schoberpass, follow the forest...
06:00 hours S3 - Medium (<35°)

7 km away.

Hochschwab: E, Through the Dullwitz from Voisthalerhütte
Default tour photo From the hut, go up (well, it's kind of flat) the...
03:00 hours S3 - Medium (<35°)

41 km away.

Schafberg: from Liezener Huette
Default tour photo From Liezener Huette, cross to the East (lots of small...
03:00 hours UNKNOWN

41 km away.

Liezener Hütte: From Weissenbach
Default tour photo Go to the north of Weissenbach, next to the tennis...
03:00 hours S3 - Medium (<35°)

42 km away.

Raidling: NW ridge, from Liezener Huette
Default tour photo Go up through the forest behind the hut, along the...
03:00 hours UNKNOWN

42 km away.

Kleinmölbing: SE, from Liezener Huette
Default tour photo From the Liezener Huette, head straight north, across...
03:00 hours S3 - Medium (<35°)

43 km away.

Voisthalerhütte: From Seewiesen
Default tour photo From Seeweiesen, head W in the Dullwitz valley. It's a...
03:00 hours UNKNOWN

43 km away.

Hirscheck: E, from Liezener Huette
Default tour photo Ascent: From Liezener Huette, go up to the NW to the...
06:00 hours UNKNOWN

46 km away.

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