Tours closest to Ceillac ski resort

We found 10 tours within a radius of 45 km. They are shown in the list below. It is also possible to search all tours using our map search .

Aiguille Large de Mary: Loop and summit
Default tour photo Climb: From the Maljasset refuge, traverse the Ubaye...
06:00 hours S3 - Medium (<35°)

10 km away.

Pointe d'Aval / Chauvet: Via La Souvagea
Default tour photo Climb: From the place known as "le pont voûté", to go up...
06:00 hours S4 - Difficult (<45°)

15 km away.

Brèche Nerot-Vernet: Via the Nérot-Vernet corridor
Default tour photo Climb From the Maljasset refuge, traverse the Ubaye...
06:00 hours S4 - Difficult (<45°)

15 km away.

Bosse de la Momie: From Pré de Mme Carle
Default tour photo If the road is not open until Pré de Mme Carle, start by...
06:00 hours S3 - Medium (<35°)

38 km away.

Pic du Rif: Dome de Monetier traverse from Glacier Blanc refuge to Chalets de Chambran
Default tour photo Day 1: If the road is not open until Pré de Mme Carle,...
S3 - Medium (<35°)

39 km away.

Dôme de Neige des Écrins: Voie normale par le versant NE
Default tour photo The description below is basically for skiers.  However,...
S4 - Difficult (<45°)

40 km away.

Col du Monêtier: W-E traverse of Col de Monetier from Glacier Blanc refuge to Monetier les Bains
Default tour photo Day 1: If the road is not open until Pré de Mme Carle,...
S4 - Difficult (<45°)

41 km away.

Roche Faurio: Versant SE (voie normale)
Default tour photo Day 1: If the road is not open until Pré de Mme Carle,...
06:00 hours S3 - Medium (<35°)

44 km away.

Pic de Neige Cordier: normal route
Default tour photo Ascent: First climbed by Paul Guillemin, with Emile Pic...
06:00 hours UNKNOWN

44 km away.

Col des Agneaux: Normal route from Villard d'Arène
Default tour photo Day 1: From the leisure centre, follow the right bank of...
S4 - Difficult (<45°)

45 km away.

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