Tours closest to Dreiländereck ski resort

We found 10 tours within a radius of 124 km. They are shown in the list below. It is also possible to search all tours using our map search .

Debela peč: by the SW edge
Default tour photo Access: Drive from Bled to the Pokljuka plateau, turn...
06:00 hours S1 - Very Easy

22 km away.

Hochstuhl / Stol: Grüne Ries
Default tour photo Approach Start from Stouhütte (960m). In the spring, the...
06:00 hours UNKNOWN

36 km away.

Königstuhl: Rosaniental and W ridge
Default tour photo up From the Dr. Josef Mehrlhütte, head south up the long...
03:00 hours S3 - Medium (<35°)

47 km away.

Hochalmspitze: East side, from Maltatal
Default tour photo Access Gmünder Hütte (Malatatal), 1180m. Approach From...
S3 - Medium (<35°)

63 km away.

Hagener Hütte: From Jamnig Alm
Default tour photo From the bus stop, follow the track to the Jamnighuette...
06:00 hours UNKNOWN

74 km away.

Grosser Bärenkopf: NE face
Default tour photo From Gruberscharte: Go straight up, heading slightly SE...
06:00 hours UNKNOWN

101 km away.

Gruberscharte: East, from Ferleiten
Default tour photo From Freleiten, cross the river and follow the track...
06:00 hours UNKNOWN

102 km away.

Hoher Dachstein: Traversing and Tiergarten-descent
Default tour photo Take a gongola from Obertraun up to Krippenstein (2053m)...
06:00 hours S2 - Easy

106 km away.

Grosser Schober: N side, from Schoberpass
Default tour photo Ascent From the train station, head W along the...
06:00 hours S2 - Easy

124 km away.

Raidling: NW ridge, from Liezener Huette
Default tour photo Go up through the forest behind the hut, along the...
03:00 hours UNKNOWN

124 km away.

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