Tours closest to Val Thorens ski resort

We found 10 tours within a radius of 21 km. They are shown in the list below. It is also possible to search all tours using our map search .

Pointe du Borgne: Traversing Col du Borgne
Default tour photo This route is done in three parts with a steep descent,...
06:00 hours S3 - Medium (<35°)

2 km away.

Pointe du Bouchet: Couloir du Peyron
Default tour photo Go to the summit of the Bouchet chair lift via the...
06:00 hours S3 - Medium (<35°)

5 km away.

Pointe de la Masse: Lac du Lou via La Masse
Default tour photo The route starts at the summit of  Pointe de la Masse at...
06:00 hours S2 - Easy

6 km away.

Pointe de la Masse: La Combe de Géffriand
Default tour photo From the Ménuires station, go to the summit of the Lac...
06:00 hours S1 - Very Easy

6 km away.

Pointe de la Masse: Les Crêtes
Default tour photo From Ménuires, go to the summit of the Lac Noir chair...
06:00 hours S1 - Very Easy

6 km away.

Pointe de la Masse: Les Yvoses
Default tour photo This route is a classic vast route. Once past Teurre, an...
06:00 hours S1 - Very Easy

6 km away.

Le Verdet: Combe Curé
Default tour photo From the summit of the Olympie Expresse chair lift,...
06:00 hours S2 - Easy

11 km away.

Dôme de Polset: Normal route from Peclet-Polset Refuge
Default tour photo Ascent: Dôme de Polset is a classic beginner route of...
06:00 hours UNKNOWN

14 km away.

Grande Casse: Via the Grands Couloirs (standard route)
Default tour photo The standard route climbs the prominent glacier on the...
S4 - Difficult (<45°)

19 km away.

Col de la Glière: Versant S
Default tour photo Great variety of terrain situations. Wonderful views at...
06:00 hours S4 - Difficult (<45°)

21 km away.

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