Tours closest to Villars - Gryon ski resort

We found 10 tours within a radius of 24 km. They are shown in the list below. It is also possible to search all tours using our map search .

Gros Châtillon: Normal route
Default tour photo Scenic path, full of alps huts. Ascent : From Leoutre...
06:00 hours S2 - Easy

4 km away.

Dents du Midi - Col de la Dent Jaune: NW Couloir
Default tour photo From the hairpin turn (1206m) traverse the Soi torrent...
06:00 hours S4 - Difficult (<45°)

18 km away.

Dents du Midi - Brèche des Doigts: Couloir Nord
Default tour photo From the hairpin turn (1206m) traverse the Soi torrent...
06:00 hours S5 - Very difficult (40-50°)

18 km away.

Chaux de Culand: Traversée La Tine >> Grandvillard
Default tour photo Ascent 1 From La Tine, pass through meadows NE...
06:00 hours S3 - Medium (<35°)

19 km away.

Cornettes de Bise: Couloir du Saix Rouquin
Default tour photo From the small bridge (1120m), follow the snow covered...
06:00 hours S5 - Very difficult (40-50°)

20 km away.

Mont de Grange: Couloir de Pertuis
Default tour photo From the start of Crêt Béni chair lift (992m) you reach...
03:00 hours S5 - Very difficult (40-50°)

21 km away.

Mont de Grange: Mattes - E Face and N Corridor
Default tour photo From the chapel of Tré les Pierres (1160m), go left on...
06:00 hours S4 - Difficult (<45°)

21 km away.

Mont de l'Arpille: Voie Normale
Default tour photo Access Take the road from Col de Forclaz towards...
03:00 hours S2 - Easy

22 km away.

Tête de Charousse: Traverse of the Arêtes de Bise
Default tour photo From the La Revenette parking lot (880m), follow the...
06:00 hours S3 - Medium (<35°)

22 km away.

Pointe de Bénevent: Loop and summit
Default tour photo From the La Revenette parking lot (880m), follow the...
06:00 hours S4 - Difficult (<45°)

24 km away.

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